IAF accreditation
Business Certification offers IAF-accredited certification is the body for ISO certification.
Accreditation determines the competence and integrity of organisations offering testing and certification services. In short, IAF ‘checks the checkers’.
IAF accreditation means we are 100% confident that any ISO certificate we issue will always be recognised throughout the supply chain and for all tendering purposes.
Feedback and appeals
If you would like to provide feedback or raise an appeal, then you can do so by completing our Feedback & Appeals form.
If you are an end-user wishing to make a complaint about an installer who has been certified by us, please contact our dedicated consumer support team at complaints@bciglobal.org
If you are a client of ours and have feedback or matters you would like to raise with us regarding our certification services, this procedure flow chart gives an overview of how we manage your feedback.
At Business Certification we will:
- Ensure any and all complaints are recorded
- Report performance and analysis of the outcome to senior management
- Make changes to service delivery where appropriate
- Publicise service improvements.
If you wish to provide feedback about any other part of our service, please get in touch via the contact page.
Impartiality Statement
We understand the importance of impartiality in carrying out our management system certification activities, managing conflict of interest and ensuring objectivity. We, therefore, have the appropriate processes in place to maintain this.